If I Were A Bachelor
If I were a bachelor, and if I were to marry,
I would want a carpenter’s daughter more than any other.
So I could screw, and she could screw, and we could screw together,
From late at night to early morn, screwing one another.
In the morning, in the morning, in the morning by the sea,
In the morning, in the morning, in the morning by the sea.
Policeman’s daughter…bang
Shepherd’s daughter…ram
Icecream man’s daughter…lick
Swimmer’s daughter…stroke
Oil man’s daughter…pump
Carpet layer’s daughter…shag
Butcher’s daughter…pork
Vampire’s daughter…suck
Programmer’s daughter…byte
British banker’s daughter…pound
Waiter’s daughter…fork
Farmer’s daughter…plow
Dentists daughter…drill
Drummer’s daughter…beat
Coke dealer’s daughter….spoon
Boxer’s daughter….fist
School principal’s daughter…spank