I Pull My Cock Out
Sung while doing a serenade
I pull my cock out,
I pull my cock out,
And you put it in your mouth!
I pull my cock out,
I pull my cock out,
And you put it in your mouth!
Cha Cha Cha!
Sung while doing a serenade
I pull my cock out,
I pull my cock out,
And you put it in your mouth!
I pull my cock out,
I pull my cock out,
And you put it in your mouth!
Cha Cha Cha!
Well it isn’t long and it isn’t thick,
It gets hard too slow and it cums too quick,
It gets lost in her twat but it’s all that he’s got,
It’s a small, small dick.
It’s a small dick after all,
It’s a small dick after all,
Always limp from alcohol,
It’s a small, small dick!
Where o where were you last Hash?
Why did you make us hash all alone?
You fat lazy bastard,
You weren’t even here!
So we fucked all the virgins,
And drank all the beers.
Where o where were you last Hash?
Why did you make us hash all alone?
You fat lazy bastard,
You weren’t even here!
So we DRANK all the virgins,
And FUCKED all the beers.
Drink it down, down, down, down….
My sister Belinda, she pissed out the window,
All over my brand new sombrero.
I like my Brandy, it makes me feel randy,
But give me the good ole vino.
I like my rum, it helps me to cum,
But give me the good ole vino.
And so on…
To the tune of I’ve been working on the railroad.
Hot vagina for your breakfast,
Hot vagina for your lunch,
Hot vagina for your dinner,
Just munch, munch, munch, munch, munch.
It’s so tasty and delicious,
Bite-size and ready to eat,
So grab your chick, give her a lick,
Hot vagina can’t be beat.
No one…
Fucks like your mom,
No one sucks like your mom,
No one gives it away for five bucks like your mom,
And yes she’s the best when she’s fornicating,
Oh everyone’s fucking your mom!
No one…
Sounds like your mom,
No one pounds like your mom,
No one swallows the cum of hash hounds like your mom,
And fucking her’s simpler than masturbating,
Oh everyone’s fucking your mom!
No one…
Creams like your mom,
No one screams like your mom,
No one fucks like the whore of my dreams like your mom,
You can pick any hole she won’t keep you waiting,
Oh everyone’s fucking your mom!
No one…
Licks like your mom,
No one’s sick like your mom,
No one fills up her cunt with those dicks like your mom,
You can shit on her tits it’s humiliating,
Oh everyone’s fucking your mom!
No one…
Sluts like your mom,
No one struts like your mom,
No one takes it all night in the butt like your mom,
She’s a tramp and a champ when she’s copulating,
Oh everyone’s fucking your mom!
No ones legs spread like your mom.
No one gives head like your mom
No one gets nasty and pisses the bed like your mom.
Her golden showers are so moisturizing…..
Oh everyone’s fucking your mom!!
No ones sweet like your mom
No one gets beat like your mom.
No one swallows 12 inches of meat like your mom.
Her black eyes are so captivating….
Oh everyone’s fucking your mom!
No one dies like your mom
attracts flies like your mom
Has squishy fuck holes for eyes like your mom.
I’m friends with jack so there is no cremating……..
Oh everyone’s fucking your mom!
No one grabs puss like your mom,
Has a bush like your mom.
One that wraps right round to her tush like your mom.
Her hairy gash is so titillating…..
Oh everyone’s fucking your mom!!
(Oh!) The S & M man.
The S & M man,
The S & M man because he mixes it with love,
Makes the hurt feel good, the hurt feel good.
Who will run through shiggy, (Who will run through shiggy,)
Ripping up his flesh, (Ripping up his flesh)
And turn right around,
And repeat the bloody mess?
Who cuts off your gonads,
Boils ‘em in a stew,
Later that evening,
He’ll feed ‘em back to you?
Who can take a razor,
And no shaving cream,
Scrape her pussy bald,
While he listens to her scream?
Who can take a bottle,
Shove it up your ass,
Hit it with a hammer,
And line your ass with glass?
Who can take your penis,
Slam it in a door,
Slam it in a door,
So you can’t fuck anymore?
Who can take a sander,
Make sure it’s Black and Decker,
Rub it up and down,
Until you’ve got a bleeding pecker?
Who can take two ice picks,
Stick one in each ear,
And ride her like a Harley,
While he roots her up the rear?
Who takes jumper cables,
Clamps one on each tit,
Starts up the car,
And electrocutes the bitch?
Who can take a vagina,
Suck out all the yeast,
Spit it out into some dough,
And serve bread at the hash feast?
Who can take a puppy,
Hold it by the ears,
Fuck it in the ass,
Until it sheds those puppy tears?
Who can take a cheese grater,
Strap it to his arm,
Fist fuck the bitch
And make Vagina Parmesan?
Who can take a baby,
Lay it on a bed,
Turn the bugger over,
Fuck the soft spot in its head?
Who can take a little girl,
Before she’s on the rag,
Fuck her till she’s dead
And then toss her in a bag?
Who goes to the abortion clinic,
Sneaks around the back,
Digs through the dumpster,
Until he finds a tasty snack?
Who goes to the abortion clinic,
Fuck goin’ around the back
Kick down the front door,
And eat it out her snatch?
Who can take a sawfish,
Ram it up yer bum,
Run it back and forth,
To make some rectal chum?
Poetry, poetry,
How do you like my poetry?
Not as mellow as Longfellow,
But its poetry!
Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow,
And everywhere that Mary went,
That lamb was sure to go,
It followed her to school one day,
And a big black dog fucked it!
Little Miss Muffett,
Sat on a tuffett,
Eating her curds and whey,
Along came a spider,
That sat down beside her,
And said, “What’s in the bowl, bitch?”
There was an old lady who lived in a shoe,
She had so many kids that her cunt would fit over a trash can!
Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was sodden red,
The reason for that, you see,
Was the pickaxe through its head!
Jack and Jill,
Went up the hill,
Each had a buck and a quarter,
Jill came down with two-fifty,
What a whore!
Little Boy Blue,
Because he needed the money!
Little Jack Horner,
Sat in the corner,
Eating his sister Mary,
He stuck in his thumb,
And pulled out a plum,
And said, “Hey, what happened to the cherry?”
When Mary had a little lamb,
The doctor was surprised,
But when Old MacDonald had a farm,
The doctor nearly died! (chorus)
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,
All the kings horses and all the kings men,
Had one fucking big omelette!
Mary had a little lamb,
Her father shot it dead,
She still takes it to school each day,
Between two hunks of bread!
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick,
Jack jumped over the candlestick,
And singed his balls!
Mary had a little lamb,
And it was always gruntin’,
She tied it to a five-bar gate,
And kicked its little cunt in!
Old Mother Hubbard,
Went to the cupboard,
To fetch her poor dog a bone,
But when she bent over,
Rover took over,
Because Rover had a bone of his own!
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
That’s what they tell me,
Because I’m blind!
Jack was nimble,
Jack was quick,
But Jill preferred the candlestick!
Mary had a little lamb,
She kept it in a bucket,
And every time she let it out,
Her Rottweiler would fuck it!
I met a harriette on trail one day,
Yo Ho! Yo Ho!
I met a harriette on trail one day,
Yo Ho! Yo Ho!
I met a harriette on trail one day,
She said, “Hey hasher, you fancy a lay?
Get it in, get it out, quit fucking about!”
Yo Ho! Yo Ho! Yo Ho!
I put my hand upon her toe,
Yo Ho! Yo Ho!
I put my hand upon her toe,
Yo Ho! Yo Ho!
I put my hand upon her toe,
She said, “Hey hasher, you’re way too low!
Get in, get out, quit fuckin’ about!”
Yo Ho! Yo Ho! Yo Ho!
I put my hand upon her knee,
Yo Ho! Yo Ho!
I put my hand upon her knee,
Yo Ho! Yo Ho!
I put my hand upon her knee,
She said, “Hey hasher, quit teasing me!”
Get in, get out, quit fuckin’ about!”
Yo Ho! Yo Ho! Yo Ho!
I put my hand upon her thigh,
Yo Ho! Yo Ho!
I put my hand upon her thigh,
Yo Ho! Yo Ho!
I put my hand upon her thigh,
She said, “Hey hasher, you’re way too shy!”
Get in, get out, quit fuckin’ about!”
Yo Ho! Yo Ho! Yo Ho!
I put my hand upon her tit,
Yo Ho! Yo Ho!
I put my hand upon her tit,
Yo Ho! Yo Ho!
I put my hand upon her tit,
She said, “Hey hasher, you’re getting it!”
Get in, get out, quit fuckin’ about!”
Yo Ho! Yo Ho! Yo Ho!
I put my hand upon her twat,
Yo Ho! Yo Ho!
I put my hand upon her twat,
Yo Ho! Yo Ho!
I put my hand upon her twat,
She said, “Hey hasher, you’ve hit the spot!”
Get in, get out, quit fuckin’ about!”
Yo Ho! Yo Ho! Yo Ho!
I put my dick into her mouth,
Yo Ho! Yo Ho!
I put my dick into her mouth,
Yo Ho! Yo Ho!
I put my dick into her mouth,
She said, “Mmrphhh mmrfrm fmmrrf mrphhh mmrfrm fmmrrf!”
Get in, get out, quit fuckin’ about!”
Yo Ho! Yo Ho! Yo Ho!
And now she’s in a wooden box,
Yo Ho! Yo Ho!
And now she’s in a wooden box,
Yo Ho! Yo Ho!
And now she’s in a wooden box,
She died from sucking too many hasher’s cocks!
Get in, get out, quit fuckin’ about!”
Yo Ho! Yo Ho! Yo Ho!
We dig her up every now and then,
Yo Ho! Yo Ho!
We dig her up every now and then,
Yo Ho! Yo Ho!
We dig her up every now and then,
We fucked her once, we’ll fuck her again!
Get in, get out, quit fuckin’ about!”
Yo Ho! Yo Ho! Yo Ho!
To the tune of Frère Jacques (Father Jacob)
We’ve got virgins,
We’ve got virgins,
At our hash,
At our hash,
Gonna get ’em drunked up,
Gonna get ’em fucked up,
Down the hatch,
Up the ass.