Fuck a duck
Fuck a duck, a female duck
Screw a baby kangaroo
Fingerbang an orangutang
Let an elephant do you
Feel the penis of an eel
Whack the asshole of a yak
Masturbate with a gnu
And that brings us back to
Down down down down down…
Fuck a duck, a female duck
Screw a baby kangaroo
Fingerbang an orangutang
Let an elephant do you
Feel the penis of an eel
Whack the asshole of a yak
Masturbate with a gnu
And that brings us back to
Down down down down down…
Fuck a duck, a female duck
Screw a baby kangaroo
Fingerbang an orangutang
Let an elephant do you
Feel the penis of an eel
Whack the asshole of a yak
Masturbate with a gnu
And that brings us back to
Down down down down down…
Replace ‘harriette’ with the name of the harriette.
Harriette is a girl with plenty of class,
Who knocks them all dead when she wiggles her
Eyes at the fellows as girls sometimes do,
To make it quite plain that she wants to
Take in a movie or go for a sail,
And then hurry home for a nice piece of
Cake or ice cream or a slice of roast duck,
For after each meal she is ready to
Go for a ride or a stroll on the dock,
With any young man with a sizeable
Roll of big bills and a pretty good front,
And if he talks fast she will show him her
Little pet dog who is subject to fits,
And maybe she’ll let him take hold of her
Little white hands with a movement so quick,
Why she’d reach right over and tickle his
Chin, while she shows him a trick learned in France,
And asks the poor fellow to take off his
Coat, while she sings at the Mandalay Shore,
For whatever she is, harriette ain’t no bore
To the tune of Do Re Mi.
Fuck a duck, a female duck,
Screw a baby kangaroo,
Finger-bang an orangutan,
Let an elephant do you
Feel the penis of an eel,
Whack the asshole of a yak,
Masturbate with a gnu,
And that will being us back to
Fuck. fuck, fuck, fuck…
A man’s best friend is his duck (quack quack),
A duck’s got plenty of pluck (quack quack,
And when you’re down on your luck (quack quack),
They’re always good for a… meal
Bestiality’s best boys, bestiality’s best
(Shag a wallaby)
Bestiality’s best boys, bestiality’s best
Have a shag with a stag boys, have a shag with stag,
(Shag a wallaby)
Have a shag with a stag boys, have a shag with stag
Alternative verses:
Change your luck with a duck, Chuck
A camel’s a hell of a lay, Kay
A moose is no bloody use, Bruce
You can shoot your load in a toad, dude
A rhino’s a hell of a treat, Pete
A mongoose is no piece of cake, Jake
You can come again in a hen, men
You can stuff your log in a frog, boys
You can stick your pole in a mole, Cole
Put your log up a dog, Claude