The wild hasher (a goodbye song)
To the tune of The Wild Rover.
I flew into …, an expat so neat,
Some boozy old hashers I happened to meet,
I asked to go hashing, they answered me “nay,
For wimps such as you we can find any day!”
And its no nay never, no nay no never no more,
Shall I play the wild hasher nay never no more
I took out my checkbook all shiney & bright,
The hash-cash’s eyes they lit up with delight,
He said “gladly you’re welcome you as one of our rank,
As soon as your check has been cleared by the bank”
They sold me a T-shirt at exorbitant price,
Then we went hashing, ’twas ever so nice,
At the last checkpoint we lost three without trace,
And back at the On on we all got shit faced
I’ve hashed the world over, places far and near,
I fondle the women and drink all the beer,
And now I’m returning with many to tell,
Of checkbacks unending and shortcuts through hell
Now all I have left is a beer stained T-shirt,
And my sneakers are covered in shiggy & dirt,
My wife she has left me because of the clap,
The right time for me to leave this terrible trap