Today is hashing day
Without a tune. Adjust to match your own calendar.
Call: Today is a Monday!
Response: Today is a Monday!
Call: Monday is a wanking day! (wanking motion)
Response: Monday is a wanking day! (wanking motion)
Call: Is everybody happy?
Response: You bet your ass we are!
All (raising cups over heads, making a full turn): Tada dee dum dee dum dee dum
Call: Today is Tuesday!
Response: Today is Tuesday!
Call: Tuesday is a finger day! (fingering motion)
Response: Tuesday is a finger day! (fingering motion)
Additional verses:
Wednesday is a hmmmm day! (stick tongue between 2nd & 3rd fingers)
Thursday is a drinking day! (raise glass and drink)
Friday is a fucking day! (humping motions)
Saturday is a hashing day! (running motions)
Sunday is a day of rest (silence)