Quit your bitchin’
We’re glad you’ve finally shut up,
You’ve finally quit your bitchin’,
So drink your beer, get out of here,
And get back in the kitchen
We’re glad you’ve finally shut up,
You’ve finally quit your bitchin’,
So drink your beer, get out of here,
And get back in the kitchen
To the tune of My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean.
My asshole is sore from your fucking,
My asshole is sore from your dick,
My asshole is sore from your stuffing,
So give it a rest, you prick
To the tune of Row, row, row your boat.
Stuff, stuff, stuff your butt,
Stuff your butt with cream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is a wet dream
Suck, suck, suck my cock,
Give me screaming skull,
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a ball!
To the tune of Yesterday.
All my muscles seemed to feel OK,
Now my body doesn’t work today,
Oh I went hashing yesterday
Muscles ache,
They’d be better if I’d stayed in bed,
Now it feels as if they are made of lead,
Wish I had stayed at home instead
Why I ran that hash,
Was so rash,
But what the heck,
Yes, now it is clear,
I’m a mere,
Physical wreck
Bloodshot eyes,
And my tongue it is twice its normal size,
It,s at times like this I realise,
Hashing isn’t all that wise
Why I drank that beer,
Isn’t clear,
It’s just a blur,
I don’t feel so young,
And my tongue,
Is lined with fur
Running seemed a healthy game to play,
Now my body is in disarray,
Oh I went hashing yesterday
Solo, chorus:
I’m singin’ in the rain,
Just singin’ in the rain,
What a glorious feeling,
I’m hap-hap-happy again
Call: Arms out
Response: Arms out!
Call: Arms out
Response: Arms out!
Call: Thumbs down
Response: Thumbs down!
Additional verses:
Elbows back
Chest out
Stomach in
Arse out
Knees together
Toes together
Chin up
Glory glory hallelujah
Walking down Canal Street,
Knockin’ every door,
Goddamn son of a bitch,
I couldn’t find a whore
I finally found a whore,
She was rather thin,
Goddamn son of a bitch,
I couldn’t get it in
I finally got it in,
And worked it round and round,
Goddamn son of a bitch,
I couldn’t get it out
I finally got it out,
And it was red and sore,
The moral of this story is,
To never fuck a whore
Without a tune. Adjust to match your own calendar.
Call: Today is a Monday!
Response: Today is a Monday!
Call: Monday is a wanking day! (wanking motion)
Response: Monday is a wanking day! (wanking motion)
Call: Is everybody happy?
Response: You bet your ass we are!
All (raising cups over heads, making a full turn): Tada dee dum dee dum dee dum
Call: Today is Tuesday!
Response: Today is Tuesday!
Call: Tuesday is a finger day! (fingering motion)
Response: Tuesday is a finger day! (fingering motion)
Additional verses:
Wednesday is a hmmmm day! (stick tongue between 2nd & 3rd fingers)
Thursday is a drinking day! (raise glass and drink)
Friday is a fucking day! (humping motions)
Saturday is a hashing day! (running motions)
Sunday is a day of rest (silence)
To the tune of The Wild Rover.
I flew into …, an expat so neat,
Some boozy old hashers I happened to meet,
I asked to go hashing, they answered me “nay,
For wimps such as you we can find any day!”
And its no nay never, no nay no never no more,
Shall I play the wild hasher nay never no more
I took out my checkbook all shiney & bright,
The hash-cash’s eyes they lit up with delight,
He said “gladly you’re welcome you as one of our rank,
As soon as your check has been cleared by the bank”
They sold me a T-shirt at exorbitant price,
Then we went hashing, ’twas ever so nice,
At the last checkpoint we lost three without trace,
And back at the On on we all got shit faced
I’ve hashed the world over, places far and near,
I fondle the women and drink all the beer,
And now I’m returning with many to tell,
Of checkbacks unending and shortcuts through hell
Now all I have left is a beer stained T-shirt,
And my sneakers are covered in shiggy & dirt,
My wife she has left me because of the clap,
The right time for me to leave this terrible trap
Call: I don’t know but I’ve been told
Response: Hashers shorts are filled with gold
Call: People say we’re primitive
Response: We say it’s the only way to live
Call: Run and drink in our underwear
Response: Following the trail set by the Hare
Call: Checking left and checking right
Response: This damn trails’ gotten outta sight
Call: Back check, what the heck turn ’round
Response: This damn Hare is goin’ down
Call: Got his shorts down around his knobby knees
Response: His ass and cock swinging in the breeze
(With reverence) Hymn, hymn,
Fuck hymn
(Drink it down, down, down, down…)