Call: Give me an “O”
Response: “O”
Call: Give me an “R”
Response: “R”
Call: Give me an “G”
Response: “G”
Call: Give me an “Y”
Response: “Y”
Call: What’s that spell?
Response: “TEAMWORK”
To the tune of the chorus of Rule Britannia.
Rule Britannia, marmalade and jam,
Five Chinese crackers up your ass go
Rule Britannia, marmalade and jam
Four Chinese crackers up your ass go
Rule Britannia, marmalade and jam
Three Chinese crackers up your ass go
Rule Britannia, marmalade and jam
Two Chinese crackers up your ass go
Rule Britannia, marmalade and jam
One Chinese cracker up your ass goes
(Drink it down…)
Replace ‘harriette’ with the name of the harriette.
Harriette is a girl with plenty of class,
Who knocks them all dead when she wiggles her
Eyes at the fellows as girls sometimes do,
To make it quite plain that she wants to
Take in a movie or go for a sail,
And then hurry home for a nice piece of
Cake or ice cream or a slice of roast duck,
For after each meal she is ready to
Go for a ride or a stroll on the dock,
With any young man with a sizeable
Roll of big bills and a pretty good front,
And if he talks fast she will show him her
Little pet dog who is subject to fits,
And maybe she’ll let him take hold of her
Little white hands with a movement so quick,
Why she’d reach right over and tickle his
Chin, while she shows him a trick learned in France,
And asks the poor fellow to take off his
Coat, while she sings at the Mandalay Shore,
For whatever she is, harriette ain’t no bore
To the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat.
Stuff, stuff, stuff my butt,
Fill my ass with cream,
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is a wet dream
Suck, suck, suck my knob,
Make me shoot my gooo,
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a spew
To the tune of Oh, Tannenbaum.
Oh Everclear, oh Everclear,
You make me stagger and weave.
Oh Everclear, oh Everclear,
You make me choke and heave
My eyes are blind, they cannot see,
My knees they buckle under me.
Oh Everclear, oh Everclear,
What would I do without thee
To the chorus of Ring of Fire.
I fell into a gapin’ huge vagina,
I fell down, down, down, all the way to China,
And it burns, burns, burns, that huge vagina,
That huge vagina
To the tune of The Addams Family.
Their drinking is compulsive,
Their running is convulsive,
They’re morally repulsive,
The Hash House Harriers
Their flatulance is rude and,
Their genitals protrude when,
They’re running in the nude in,
The Hash House Harriers
They’re always shiggy tracking,
From constantly bushwhacking,
Intelligence they’re lacking,
The Hash House Harriers
To the tune of the chorus of These Boots are made for Walking.
These boots are made for hashing,
And that’s just what they’ll do,
But first you’ll do a down-down outta that,
Shiggy fracking shoe
To the tune of My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean.
My father makes books on the corner,
My mother makes illicit gin,
My sister sells kisses to sailors,
My god how the money rolls in!
Rolls in, rolls in,
My god how the money rolls in, rolls in,
Rolls in, rolls in, my god how the money rolls in
My mother’s a bawdy house keeper,
Each night when the evening grows dim,
She hangs out a little red lantern,
My god how the money rolls in!
My cousin’s a Harley street surgeon,
With instruments long, sharp and thin,
He only does one operation,
My god how the money rolls in!
Uncle Joe is a registered plumber,
His business in holes and in tin,
He’ll plug up your hole for a tenner,
My god how the money rolls in!